Auto Buying

Suppose that you want to snipe a stealth launch of a hyped token. In such situations, speed is key, especially when hundreds of buyers are racing to copy-paste the new contract address into Pancakeswap/Uniswap, or in our case, the sniper bot trading terminal. To give you an edge over your competition, we introduced the Me channel, which allows you to setup auto-buys for pasted contract addresses. Follow these steps to set it up:

  • From the main menu in Figure 2 (A quick way to reach it is by typing /sniper in the bot), go to Call Channels. This will open the menu in Figure 13.

  • Select the Me channel. This will open a configuration menu similar to Figure 14 below. This menu behaves exactly like other call channel settings (adjusting parameters like Max MC and Min Liq). We delve deeper into these settings in Section 5.

  • Enable Auto Buy and choose a suitable Buy Amount by clicking on it. As discussed earlier, if you want Auto Buy to activate, Auto Buy has to be enabled in your Wallet Buy Settings and in the channel which will trigger Auto Buy, which is the Me channel in this case. Furthermore, a Buy Amount always needs to be specified in the same channel for Auto Buy to trigger.

  • Similarly to your Wallet Buy Settings, you can also specify the Max MC, Min/Max Liquidity, Min MC/Liq and Max Buy/Sell Tax for which the bot will trigger an auto-buy when you paste the contract. By default, these values will mirror the ones that are set in your Wallet Buy Settings, but you have the option to further customize them directly in the Me channel. In such cases, the values specified in the Me channel will take priority over the ones specified in your Wallet Buy Settings.

  • Slippage, Smart Slippage and Gas Delta/Price will initially mirror what you have in your Wallet Buy Settings, and they only impact auto-buys on pasted contracts. You can also customize them directly in the Me channel.

  • Now, when you paste a contract address into the bot, it will check whether the token satisfies the marketcap, liquidity, and tax conditions specified for the Me channel, and then attempt to auto-buy the token with the amount specified in Buy Amount, and using the slippage and gas settings specified in the channel.

  • As for Auto Sell, enabling this will ensure that Auto Sell is enabled by default after you buy (Whether manual or auto-buy) through a pasted contract. The latter will only hold true if Auto Sell is also enabled in your Wallet Sell Settings, otherwise, you'd have to enable Auto Sell manually through the Trade Monitor AFTER buying (More on this in Section 6). The values for Sell-Hi, Sell-Lo, Sell-Hi Amount and Sell-Lo Amount will mirror the ones that are set in your your Wallet Sell Settings, but you have the option to further customize them directly in the Me channel. In such cases, the values specified in the Me channel will take priority over the ones specified in your Wallet Sell Settings.

You DO NOT need to worry about your auto-buy amounts exceeding the max transaction limit. If your Buy Amount is higher than the limit and the bot manages to estimate that limit, then the bot will automatically adjust the Buy Amount to make sure the transaction goes through.

If you don’t want the bot to auto-buy pasted contract addresses, make sure that Auto Buy is disabled ❌. You can also control this using the shortcut /quick, which gives you an easily accessible menu of useful settings for all enabled chains. Alternatively, you can append a particular chain to the command to access the quick settings for a particular chain. For example, /quick_eth and /quick_sol can be used to access the quick settings of Ethereum and Solana, respectively.

Last updated