General Settings
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We are now back at the menu shown earlier in Figure 5 and re-iterated on in Figure 10 below.
This feature attempts to frontrun liquidity rugs, blacklisting functions, trade disables, tax hikes, unnatural mints, and practically anything that would “rug” you. The bot will detect when a malicious transaction is sent to mempool and will try to sell your holdings before the malicious transaction goes through, thus saving your investment. If enabled ✅, then the feature will be activated automatically for every trade you perform on the bot. While the feature works most of the time, it is not guaranteed due to a multitude of different variables, so please be careful with your investments. For example, if the rug transaction was sent privately (not through mempool), then the bot won't be able to detect it until it's mined and anti-rug measures won't be possible in this case. Also, keep in mind that the bot will automatically adjust your Gas Price/Delta to max {Rug Transaction's Gas Price/Gas Delta +5, Wallet Sell Gas Price/Delta} to maximize frontrunning chances, so make sure you have enough funds in your wallet.
For example, suppose that a rug transaction is detected on BSC with a gas price of 2 gwei, and that you have configured the Gas Price in your Wallet Sell Settings to 6 gwei. In this case, the bot will attempt to sell your holdings using Gas Price = max {2+5, 6} = 7 gwei. If the Gas Price in your Wallet Sell Settings was instead 8 gwei, the bot would attempt to sell using a Gas Price of 8 gwei.
Anti-Rug is only available on BSC and Ethereum. Arbitrum has no public mempool support and relies on a First-Come-First-Serve transaction ordering policy, so implemeting anti-rug measures on the chain is impossible. Similarly, Base, Avalanche, Metis, Linea, Solana and TON have no public mempools that would allow us to implement anti-rug measures.
Ethereum: If enabled, the bot will route your transactions through a private relay, and your transactions will not be broadcast on mempool. This technique will guard against MEV/sandwich bots and avoid pesky copytraders. It is recommended to keep Anti-MEV enabled at all times on Ethereum.
Solana: If enabled, the bot will route your transaction through Jito's relays, and your transactions can only be picked-up by a Jito validator. This technique will guard against MEV/sandwich bots. However, as roughly 50% of the validators are Jito validators, such private transactions might be slower.
The sniper normally blocks token auto-buys if it detects honeypots, blacklist risks, or unhealthy liquidity. However, some users have requested the removal of these “training wheels” to allow them to go full degen. This is what Degen Mode aims to accomplish. When enabled ✅, the bot will still notify you if the aforementioned risks are detected, but it will NO LONGER block auto-buy in those events. Only enable this if you absolutely know what you’re doing and are willing to handle the risks involved.
Choose the slippage tolerance for your buys and sells. If you select the arrow to the right, it will default back to 10% slippage. In some chains, using extremely high slippage values is dangerous since you can get frontrun by MEV bots, so please use a suitable value, or utilize Smart Slippage.
This allows slippage to automatically adjust based on the token’s taxes and the price impact of your trade. This is not suitable for volatile situations like launches and snipes. We recommend you pair it with high Gas Price/Delta. Keep in mind that Smart Slippage overrides any custom slippage values you might have selected earlier. In other terms, when Smart Slippage is enabled ✅, the value set in Slippage will no longer be considered as the bot will switch to automatically computing slippage.
Choose the maximum gas price you’re willing to pay for an Anti-Rug or copytrade transaction. It compares against the gas price needed to frontrun rugs and scams through Anti-Rug, and the gas price needed to frontrun/match copytrades. If any of these scenarios require a higher gas price than the Max Gas Price you set, the bot will block the transaction. Please note that the Max Gas Price will not interfere with manual transactions, call channel auto-buys, or auto-snipes.
Choose the max gas limit you allow the bot to use. You can leave it on Auto as the bot already selects an optimal gas limit for the contracts you’re interacting with, or you can set a specific amount to block tokens with high gas usage. If a transaction requires more gas than the set max gas limit, the transaction will be immediately rejected. This setting impacts both manual and automated transactions.
Some final words on wallet settings in general:
You can configure the Gas Price (BSC and Metis) and Gas Delta (Ethereum, Base, Avalanche and Linea) for Buys, Sells, and Approves separately.
The second column can be used to delete settings established in the first column, effectively restoring them to their default values.
It is important to note that if there are taxes on the token you auto-buy, then you will start with a loss. For example, if the buy tax is 15%, then you will start with a loss of -15% immediately when the buy happens. If your Sell-Lo is very strict, you might trigger an immediate autosell, so be careful.
When using custom slippage on EVM-compatible chains, ensure that your slippage is at least equal to the token's buy tax, otherwise, your transaction will fail. This applies to both manual and automated buys, but does not hold for auto-snipes where your slippage can be lower than that of the token's buy tax.