How does copytrade work?
Copytrade enables you to auto buy/sell a token whenever the wallet you're tracking buys/sells it.
How many wallets can we track?
You can track up to 3 wallets as a base user, and 10 as a Premium user.
How does Auto Buy work in copytrade?
If you want the bot to auto-buy immediately when the tracked wallet performs a buy transaction, you NEED to enable Auto Buy and choose a Buy Amount in your Copytrade Wallet Settings. The bot will use this amount as the maximum allowed auto-buy. For example, if you set Buy Amount to 0.5 BNB and the tracked wallet buys 0.1 BNB, then the bot will also buy 0.1 BNB, matching the tracked wallet. However, if the tracked wallet buys any amount LARGER than 0.5 BNB, the bot will still only buy 0.5 BNB. This is done to shield you from the fluctuations in transaction values coming from tracked wallets, especially if you're tracking "whale" wallets that are prone to large buys that most people can't afford.
How does Copy Sell work in copytrade?
The bot will notify you whenever the tracked wallet sells tokens. It will then check whether you own the token or not. If you do own the token AND Copy Sell is enabled in the Copytrade Wallet Settings, the bot will attempt to copy the sell. If the tracked wallet sells a certain percentage (50% for example) of their token holdings, then the bot will sell the same percentage from your wallet (50% as well). Copy Sell doesn't need an active Trade Monitor to trigger as it is a separate functionality from Auto Sell.
Can we frontrun the tracked wallet?
Yes, for chains where frontrunning is applicable. More details on frontrunning can be found here.
Does copytrade work with multi-wallets?
Yes. Please refer to the Multi-Wallet section for further information on how to enable this feature.
Can I simply get notified without committing to an Auto Buy?
Yes. Add the tracked wallet, turn on Copytrade for the chain, and make sure Auto Buy is disabled in the Copytrade Wallet Settings.
Can I copytrade Pump.Fun transactions on Solana?
Can I copytrade a wallet that snipes a launch?
Yes. Please refer to the explanation provided here to know how Copytrade functions in this case.
Last updated