Manual Transactions

How can I buy a token manually?

You paste the token's contract address into the bot, then use the buy menu to pick a suitable amount.

How can I sell a token manually?

You paste the token's contract address into the bot, then use the Buy โ†”๏ธ Sell button to open the sell menu, or use the Track button.

Can I automate buying pasted contracts?

Yes. You can configure the "Me" channel in the /sniper -> Call Channels menu for that.

If I bought a token inside the bot, can I sell it outside?


If I bought a token outside the bot, can I sell it inside?

Yes. Paste the token's contract address into the bot then use the Buy โ†”๏ธ Sell or Track buttons.

What gas settings do manual buys/sells use?

Manual buys/sells use your wallet's gas settings.

How can I make my buys/sells go faster?

Your gas price determines your transaction's priority on the blockchain. If you want more speed, please increase your gas price (or gas delta if you're on ETH).

What if I try to buy an amount bigger than max buy?

The bot automatically adjusts your buy amount to match the max buy of the contract. The only case where we don't do that is 0-block-delay LP/method sniping through God Mode.

Can I buy a specific amount of tokens?

Yes. Paste the token's contract address then use the Buy X Tokens button.

Last updated